Corpsmembers Motivated and Mindful

Last week, SFCC Corpsmembers and staff JP Davis completed a week-long Mindfulness Workshop at the Mindfulness Care Center on 42 Gough St.

The Mindfulness Care Center offers a unique approach that allows an individual to begin feeling whole, safe and more embodied. Mindfulness Based Stress reduction is used to bridge the gap between anxiety, unresolved trauma and stress to living a joyful grounded life. Over the course of the week Buddhist Chaplain Rik Center guided them through a journey of self-reflection and inner growth. Activities included spirited group discussion/dialogue, mindfulness exercises and guided meditation.

Over the course of the week The SFCC Corpsmembers and JP were able to grow and build their knowledge of self while harnessing a new understanding of what Mindfulness truly is.

SFCC Hosts Annual Career Expo

Every year the San Francisco Conservation Corps collaborates with the John Muir Charter School to host the annual Career Expo. This year on June 15th, Corpsmembers and Academy students got a chance to showcase their career development skills while networking with peers and other community members. We had seven community partners who took part in this year’s event including the Bay Area Video Coalition (BAYVC), SFMade, GreenCitizen, Urban Services YMCA, SFO Airport, and SF City College!


The Career Expo had three rotating rooms; 1. Mock-Interviewing, 2. Speed Networking (30 Second Pitch) and finally (new this year) 3. Career Fair (see original correspondence regarding who attended). We had 15 Corpsmembers involved total and 12 were also John Muir Students. Thank you to everyone that was involved for making this event a success!