Team Building Day - Recycling Edition

On March 6th, SFCC held a Corpsmember Team Building Session with a recycling spin! Corpsmembers kicked off the session with an ice breaker called “Crossing the River”. Corpsmembers were split into teams of 5 and painted a picture: your team is out adventuring in the San Francisco Bay Area and low and behold they come across a river flowing. Fortunately there is a pile of stepping stones that they can use to cross the river, though it will require communication, strategy and teamwork. Corpsmbembers competed against one another to cross the river and points were awarded - a little friendly competition is always welcome! Next, teams engaged in a recycling “free throw” competition. Corpsmembers were provided recycling materials ranging from paper, to bottle caps, to plastic containers to shoot into the correct recycling bin. This team building day was a great way for Corpmembers to engage with one another in a competitive, team building environment and have a bit of ‘play’.
