Career Pathways Speakers

This week SFCC Corpsmembers and staff welcomed two guest speakers to present various programs and employment opportunities to our young adults. On Wednesday, December 4, we welcomed Rima Vora with SF Made to discuss current employment or training opportunities in the Manufacturing Industry. SF Made’s mission is to build and support a vibrant manufacturing sector in San Francisco, that sustains companies producing locally-made products, encourage entrepreneurship and innovation, and creates employment opportunities for a diverse local workforce. SFMade helps sustain and create job opportunities for the City’s low-income communities and individuals with less typical education, experience, or skills.

On Thursday, December 5, we explored the field of Human Services with guest speakers from Urban Services YMCA. Corpsmembers learned about their Empower to Employment (E2E) program. “E2E’s mission is to create viable pathways to sustainable employment for transitional age you between the ages of 18-24. E2E provides six weeks of paid, comprehensive professional development training as well as continuous support throughout the program and upon completing six weeks of training, they will receive a $400 stipend.

Thank you to all who participated in connecting our young adults with viable pathways forward, team work makes the dream work! We are better together.